Yarn Pooling Made Easy Blog Tour- Book Review and Giveaway

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Yarn Pooling Made Easy Blog Tour - Book Review and Giveaway by Nicki's Homemade Crafts #crochet #bookreview #yarnpooling #giveaway #marlybird #redheart

Do you remember last year’s big trend? Yes, it was yarn pooling. Until then I had never heard about being able to make intentional pattern appear by simply using a variegated yarn and a crochet hook with a certain stitch. Super incredible. Today, I would like to do a book review of Marly Bird’s new book Yarn Pooling Made Easy.

Marly Bird is Red Heart National Spokesperson who has her own Youtube channel where she teaches how to crochet and knit. And of course she also has a huge amount of videos in her Yarn Pooling Playlist that will help you get started if you have never done Yarn Pooling before. Furthermore, she has a whole collection of yarn pooling patterns and tutorial on her blog which you can access HERE.

If you would like to purchase the book, just click the picture below:

Yarn Pooling Made Easy Blog Tour - Book Review and Giveaway by Nicki's Homemade Crafts #crochet #bookreview #yarnpooling #giveaway #marlybird #redheart

Let me tell and show you some of the pattern you can find in Marly’s new Yarn Pooling Made Easy book.

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The book comes with 10 incredible patterns that look so much harder than they really are. Once you know how to get yarn to pool, you are pretty much set.

The 10 patterns in the book are:

  1. Full Scarf
  2. Wristers, Cowl and Hat Set (3 patterns)
  3. Zig Zag Scarf
  4. Car Seat Cover
  5. Baby Cocoon
  6. Hooded Scarf
  7. Child’s Sweater
  8. Poncho with Raglan Yoke

Below you can see the Car Seat Cover that Marly designed using yarn pooling. It is so pretty and looks so much difficult than it really is.

Yarn Pooling Made Easy Blog Tour - Book Review and Giveaway by Nicki's Homemade Crafts #crochet #bookreview #yarnpooling #giveaway #marlybird #redheart

This red Hooded Scarf is absolutely wonderful. It looks very pretty and will make any woman, or even teen or child looks special and phenomenal.

Yarn Pooling Made Easy Blog Tour - Book Review and Giveaway by Nicki's Homemade Crafts #crochet #bookreview #yarnpooling #giveaway #marlybird #redheart

I would like to make all of these patterns some day, but for right now, I finally got to try yarn pooling myself using Marly’s Youtube videos. So easy and helpful. You need to try it. Below you can see my try on making a scarf using yarn pooling. I really like it.

Yarn Pooling Made Easy Blog Tour - Book Review and Giveaway by Nicki's Homemade Crafts #crochet #bookreview #yarnpooling #giveaway #marlybird #redheart

But here is the best part, Leisure Arts, the publishing company of this book, gives away 1 book. So if you would like to win this awesome and incredible book, please enter the Raffelcopter below.

I am one of many crochet designers that got to try and review Marly’s new book. In order for you not to miss any other book review of this book, please check out my other crochet designer friend’s websites for their review. Trust me, the more you read about it, the more you will want this book also!

So, click —> HERE if you want to purchase your own Yarn Pooling Made Easy book.

Yarn Pooling Made Easy Blog Tour - Book Review and Giveaway by Nicki's Homemade Crafts #crochet #bookreview #yarnpooling #giveaway #marlybird #redheart

I am so grateful and honored that I was able to review this book for Marly. I have looked up to Marly for a long time and can’t wait to meet her in person at some point. In order for you to see the all the other wonderful designers that participated in this book tour, please click the corresponding links below or to see Marly’s main post about her Planned Pooling Tour, please click HERE.

9/5/17 : Calleighs Clips and Crochet Creations

9/6/17 : ACCROchet

9/7/17 : The Stitchin Mommy

9/8/17 : Crochet Memories

9/11/17 : Pattern Paradise

9/12/17 : 5 Little Monsters

9/13/17 : YARNutopia

9/14/17 : Same DiNamics Crochet

9/15/17 : Nicki’s Homemade Crafts <- That is ME 🙂

9/18/17 : Looping with Love

9/19/17 : Underground Crafter

Enter below for the Giveaway!

The Giveaway is open from 9/15/17 to 9/19/17. The winner will be announced on Wednesday, 9/20/17 on my Facebook page! You will then have 2 days to contact me in order to get your book!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I was given a free book to do this book review. Although I was compensated with a book, the opinion is all mine and true to how I feel about this book.

Yarn Pooling Made Easy Blog Tour - Book Review and Giveaway by Nicki's Homemade Crafts

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